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Time passed very fast playing this :)

Thanks! <3



Thank you! :)


i really like the game can't wait to see what else you add to it


Thanks! :D

Very nice, interstate 76 meets twisted metal


Thank you!

you're welcome

Awesome! Best for relax.

Thank you! :)

gotta ask, how do i reset my progress? by the way this game is one of the best drive'n shoot games ive played. keep up the amazing work

never mind. I'm stupid and did not realize there was a button for it

Thank you, we are working on it and sharing progress on our Discord server. Please do not call yourself stupid :) Our UI is quite rough currently, so it's quite easy to miss some options :)


the only thing i want right now is more bosses, but other then that.. this game is awesome


Thank you! We are improving everything and there will be more bosses in the future for sure :)

I LOVE THIS GAME ITS THE BEST.but can you make it so you dont lose everythingyou have when you die because when i spend grinding on this game for over tw0 hours all my progres is gone away because of a bogey.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you <3 When you are destructed you loose only parts that were mounted on the car. Rest of the loot should be stored safely in the scrapper truck. We are currently adding additional way to recover lost parts too, so for the next update it should be less punishing :)

Hello, where can I get the OST ?

Also again, wonderful job on this videogame. I love it.

Thank you! Glad you liked our OST since it's created specifically for the game. It will be available on the YT and/or on some other platforms after the next update. We need to re-record it in higher quality first though.

At some point it will available on the Steam too (like the game itself).

Thanks for playing. :)

Wonderful news !
I don't care about steam as I avoid it but these high quality soundtracks will be welcome !

on the sneak pics channel on the discord server there is i think


Had a lot of fun playing this, 10/10, would do it again! Consider some multiplayer for the future and maybe, just maybe, charge a $ or two so you guys keep motivated. It's totally worth it.


Thank you! We are considering adding multiplayer/co-op in a future, but for now we are focusing on making single-player as best as we can. Multiplayer is a bit out of reach for our small team of 3 :)


does the alpha 04 have already any release date?


Maybe :) We prefer to make releases without any warnings.


(1 edit) (+4)

Absolutely perfect.

Have a screenshot with Retro HQ filter lol

Don't mind the deleted comment, Itch was being a little slow adding the image to the edited comment.

Thank you! Love the screenshot, we have a dedicated channel for posting screenshots on our Discord server so feel free to post them there if you are into this :D

Ah, alright.

My bad for the delayed comment, I hadn't opened Itch in a good bit.


very cool 999/10
is there local multiplayer?


Thank you! <3 There is no local multiplayer currently, but we are considering adding it later in the development. For now we are focusing on making single player as best as we can.

countinue in this way


Absolutely love this game, it's amazing that it's even free!

I love the Mad Max feeling of zooming around an endless wasteland blowing stuff up with cars. 

A change that I think will be helpful is a mouse sensitivity setting, because sensitivity feels low, especially at close quarters.


Thank you :) Mouse sensitivity and other similar options will be added for sure.


Absolute must play! Hidden gem that fills the void of PS1 era vehicular combat. 

Thank you! Hopefully it will become less hidden in the future. Time to bring some vehicular mayhem back :D

it says it cannot be opened? playing on mac

I'm having the same issue


That's probably because the MacOS version is not signed. We don't have any reliable access to MacOS devices, so for now MacOS version is quite experimental and untested. We will work on it more in the future.

we will get more updates? i rly like this game

Thanks! Currently we are working on second big update, if you have Discord account you can check progress on our server - :)


Big thanks to tarkovsky for blessing us with this incredible game! As I played, I was enjoying every minute, even though people in my class were saying 'ItS fOrTnItE 4!' again, big thanks to you tarkovsky for the game! Would like to see a 2nd game or some DLC for it.

(2 edits)

Thanks! I'm really glad you like our game. For now we are not planning 2nd game as this one is still in development (and on quite early stage).

If you have Discord account you can check our current progress on our server -

P.S.: I also passed on your thanks to PirxOS and M00NL0VER with whom I am making this game :)


Deleted 41 days ago

Thank you for kind words :) 

Glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for the feedback, some comments to it:

- Agree about the UI - we are reworking whole UI, it will have similar vibe and look but it will be actually 3D and will have more animations and "juice" to it.
- Cars with just one hardpoint will stay, sorry :D , but we are trying to make them more useful by giving them other advantages.
- Special abilities (special attacks, nitro boost, etc.) for bosses and player will be added for sure, but for now we are focusing on making "basic" combat as good as we can before adding more complex features to it.
- Boss randomization is something that we would love to do, but I'm not sure if we can make it good enough, will try!
- We are currently adding more enemy AI types to the game to add more variety and tactics to combat (but keeping it still kind of "simple and fun").
- We are working on the mood, lore, world, story, etc. - it's important for us to make the game interesting, but for now our main focus is gameplay.

If you are into Discord servers than you can check our current progress there :)

(2 edits) (+3)

I got bored, i go to itch io, I want driving and shooting, I saw FUMES, i click, i see, i download, i like, i play for a day. THE very best game i've ever seen on The filters was nice, i ran the game 1080p on an AMD A8 with R7 Graphics (sh*tty), The game mechanics is cool, customization is a bit limited but its okay. Maybe add a little bit more scrap when killing boss? But anyways, I finished the game in just.. 3.. Hours? so yeah, just a little bit of more bosses, more guns, more bodies etc. It would be PERFECT!!

me like 80% finished with the game, so fun i never got a headache of frustration

Aww thank you for playing and reviewing it and this cool screenshot! <3 We are working on improving and adding stuff to pretty much every aspect of the game (we are usually sharing progress on our discord server).

Ohh and thank you for letting us know that game works on this hardware. We are trying to keep it optimized, so hopefully most people can try it.


thank you for responding and following back, means a lot when people appreciates your opinion.
and you also made Picohot, it is a very nice game! I played it almost a year ago, and I didn't even bother to send you a comment or a review of the game since I was lazy to make an account at that time. (I'am mostly lazy about everything.) And I actually had screenshots of the game, but my disc got wiped cause I formatted it sometime ago, I totally forgot about those screenshots of games I played lol. But anyways, keep on making and developing cool awesome games!!!

-ish faraday, greetings from Philippines

nice game

Thank you :)

i love this game so much. one thing is missing from this game. the body style of a one very very iconic (super-charged) auzie ford, if you catch my drift.


Haha thank you! :)

I downloaded it but when I extract the files it won't run it just asks me to extract the files again.

What operating system do you have? Windows, MacOS or Linux?


actually it just worked idk what was wrong befor

I'm glad to hear it, I hope you had fun playing it! :)


u were opening the same extracted file over and over,once it stops u should do like "open when extracted" or something


This feels awesome, this is only a pre-alpha? It’s an amazing game.


Thanks! It's pre-alpha because we plan to add a lot more to it and we might change some stuff here and there.


I love it.

Thank you for making this.


Thank you! There is more to come in the future :)


dusk pfp? chad.




How is FUMES running on it? :D


like a champ

Before I start playing this game why the hell did a windows defender popup saying, "We protected your pc" Forgot what it said fully. Okay okay I get that windows defender isn't the greatest... But I rather be safe than sorry. Could you perhaps fix this? If you can thank you.

Hmm that's odd, but we'll see what we can do about it. Thanks for the report! 

You're welcome tell me when you fixed it if you can lol.


yo pirx,quick update of myself,old discord got disabled and my pc graphics card exploded,i wont be able to play the game for a few months or years,wish me luck


Glad to hear from you, hope you will sort this out!




oof, that's awful. i never had that happen to me, but i did spend a good while without a working pc, so i know how it is. if you want any help finding parts for a new pc or smth, i can help you out :)


thanks!,but i'm already saving money for a laptop!

would be cool if we could use melee weapons like the saw cars ^w^


Agree, we are planning to add some cool melee weapons, but we need to make them more useful first - with current pace of combat saw turned out to be quite useless for the player.

pls add skip to the respawn and loot animation. it would be great if we could call the garage car

Thanks for suggestions, we will consider them for the next update :)

(1 edit)

I really want to see more content, game has big potential, also it works so smooth on integrated videocard. Please do not stop the development !


Glad you enjoyed the game, development is going well!


The horse girl's don't stand a chance.


i love ur video thumbnail


Thank you! I take pride in my thumbnails. ;{)



Awesome game.

Thank you :3

Nerf the bore guy

No, he's cool! :-)

i wanna know the soundtrack to this game cus this is SICK!


Glad you enjoyed it, thanks! It's original, made specifically for the game. We are going to publish it somewhere soon (YT, Bandcamp or Soundcloud).


Honestly, I'm surprised that it's pre-alpha.
Quality of execution is great and amount of content is decent.
Keep up the good work, guys. Looking forward for future updates and full release.)

Thank you! <3


Exactly what I was looking for 👍
very good game

Glad you found our game :) Hope you will enjoy future updates!

i like future updates 👀


me too 👀


I come back and play this one every now and again. It's just plain ol'fun!

The controls are tight, the physics are awesome, the action is explosive, and the replayability gets you going! 

There are still things being added and I can't wait for more content.

Keep it up!!


Awww thank you! There is more to come for sure! :)


Made a review

Love it! :3

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